You’ve been Booed! What is being Boo’d? What do you do now?

You’ve been Booed! What is being Booed? What do you do now?
First of all this is a wonderful and fun neighborhood and community activity. It doesn’t cost much and can be done easily with kids very young to adults who are young at heart!
When you heard that door bell ring after dark…did you think, UPS? Pizza? Humm…then when you opened the door and found a goodie bag or trick or treat bucket did you wonder what was going on?
Well it is simple. You have been Booed or Boo’d (who knows how to spell a made up word)!
Either way it is now your turn to put together some Halloween candy, pencils, crafts, stickers – whatever you like, and create one or two other buckets or goodie bags to deliver to your neighbors who have not been Booed.
How do you know who has been Boo’d? They should have put up a sign on their door that came in their Boo Bucket to let neighbors know that “We’ve Been Booed!”
Here is a We’ve Been Booed instructions free download printable you can use for your Booing adventures this Halloween! And what fun is this? Doorbell ditching where you leave a treat!
Here is a quick run down of Getting Booed explained in 4 steps:
- Enjoy your treats!
- Cut this sheet in half and hang the ghost side on your front door so neighbors know you have been Booed!
- Make 2 copies of this sheet to put one in each of your Boo Bags or Buckets
- Make 2 Boo Bags (with instructions) and secretly deliver them to two neighbors who have not been booed! (doorbell ditching with gifts!)
Have a safe and fun Halloween this year and add the tradition of Being Booed to your neighborhood!
IF you live in the Williamsburg Virginia area head over to School Crossing toy store because you can find amazing items like small fidgets, pencils, cool erasers and more to add to the candy in your bags!
Looking for more Halloween events? Visit our Halloween events in the Williamsburg area page! Got an event for the community you want listed? Email or submit your event to our Calendar here.