Youth Running Club for 3rd-12th graders


The Greater Williamsburg Distance Running Club is for Youth 3rd-12th grade who want to get involved in distance running in Upper York County and Williamsburg, VA. We have weekly practices, run in local road races and participate in USATF Youth Cross Country Meets.

Athletes that join the Greater Williamsburg Distance Running Club will be expected to run on there own 3-6 days a week depending on there age and maturity.  These runs must be accompanied or supervised by a parent for younger athletes below middle school.  High School athletes need to ensure that they run in a group and in a safe location.

Coach Tompkins will provide a framework and guidance to help young athletes develop appropriately as runners and to help the athlete develop a base of running that will lead too as much success as possible at the high school level and beyond.

For more information, click here.


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