Young Life in Williamsburg

“Young Life in Williamsburg is part of a world-class organization for adolescents. Our staff and volunteers enter the world of kids, focusing on what matters to them — fun, adventure, friendship and a sense of significance. In doing so, we earn the privilege of talking to them about something that we think matters most of all — the truth about God and His love for us.

· Young Life exists in our community because of adults who invite and support our presence. We call them our committee. No doubt you know some of our committee members and supporters.
· Parents are our partners — we want the best for your kid, too.
· Young Life was founded in 1941 by a pastor who wanted to spend time with kids who were disinterested in church.
· Today, you’ll find Young Life in 54 countries and supported by 4,000 staff members, more than 14,000 volunteer leaders and almost 12,000 local committee members.
· Young Life is non-denominational. In fact, Young Life Williamsburg is supported by eight different denominations.
· Our leaders are adults who are screened carefully and trained continuously.
· The best way to learn about Young Life is to talk to a parent who was once involved or whose kids have been involved.

If you have questions, please contact the Young Life office at 253-6506 or visit our website at”


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