Williamsburg Regional Library Scholastic Bookflix and Trueflix


Scholastic Bookflix and Trueflix

If you have kids Pre-K thru 6th grade and you don’t know about these programs you need to check it out! They are free and truly amazing. Try it, we promise you will not be disappointed!

BookFLIX at WRLBookflix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to build a love of reading. For pre-k thru 3rd grade. Children can “Watch the Story” or “Read Along” with the option to hear the text read aloud with word-by-word highlighting. Education games are available as well as Internet access with age-appropriate Web links related to the topic.

Trueflix is a resource that pairs engaging ebook and video content in science and social studies for students in grades 3-6. Optional quizzes are also available with each book and video.


Both of these programs are FREE through Williamsburg Regional Library


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