WM Global Film Fest “Do-It-Young/Film-It-Yourself” Youth Filmmaking Workshops – Nov. 7/8 and 14/15, 2015

The W&M Global Film Festival is happy to announce the fourth annual “Do-It-Young/Film-It-Yourself” Youth Filmmaking Workshops. This year we’ve expanded adding an additional workshop day and more project options. Participants will have more time to develop and complete short fiction films, documentaries, stop motion animation, and–new this year–music videos. With four sessions running Saturday and Sunday of the first two weekends of November, DIY/FIYers will be able to learn more, experience more, and make even better films and videos according to their interests.

In anticipation of the 2016 W&M Global Film Festival’s programming theme, “Film & Community,” we want to focus DIY/FIY projects on the Williamsburg community as much as possible. As part of that focus, we’ve developed a special “Rep Your Hood, Rep Your Tribe” community rap video project option. We’ll again be ready to work with DIY/FIYers on fiction and genre films, but we’re also eager to recruit participants interested in making documentaries and music videos “repping” their neighborhoods, schools, teams, clubs, hobbies, and organizations that all help make up the communities of Williamsburg and the Tidewater region.

Click here to register – https://wmsurveys.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0xlynCeq0bKy37T

Workshop #1 – PRE-PRODUCTION
(Sat. Nov. 7, 1-5pm – lunch provided)
Production team members will meet each other and their DIY/FIY mentors, develop an idea, story structure, script, storyboard, shooting schedule, and an overall production plan including deciding on team members’ production roles.

(Sun. Nov. 8, 1-5pm – snacks provided)
Production teams will review and finalize their production plan and then participate in a variety of production workshop activities including: cinematography (with different cameras, lenses, and other equipment), producing, directing, lighting, costumes & makeup, acting, and sound. This day will culminate “Pre-Production” with final planning and preparations for next Saturday’s PRODUCTION day: The Shoot!

(Sat. Nov. 14, 10am-4pm – lunch provided; 4-6pm: Community Cookout – Family & Friends Welcome)
This will be a big day (come well-rested). Teams will execute the “production” of their project, shooting everything they will need to make their film. All directors, producers, cinematographers, actors, extras, and other crew members will need to be available. Teams will move through their shot lists according to their planned schedule in order to be finished by 4pm. At 4pm, parents, family, and friends are invited to join us for a community cookout (location TBA). We’ll celebrate the completion of the shooting phase while also also getting footage during the cookout to use in our “One Tribe, One Community” rap video (which will star everyone!).

Workshop #4 POST-PRODUCTION (Sun. Nov. 15, 1-5pm)
Teams will meet back at the Reeder Media Center for a day of post-production. While editing teams cut the films together, add special effects, and sound design, other team members will work on graphic design work for promotion and titling sequences.

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