What is MOPS?

happy mother and baby laying on meadow

What is MOPS?

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, a program designed to nurture and support mothers with children from infancy through kindergarten.  MOPS groups meet throughout the United States, Canada, and 19 other countries throughout the world.  MOPS exists to meet the needs of EVERY mom- urban, suburban and rural moms, stay-at-home and working moms, teen, single, and married moms- moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be!

MOPS is about. . .

  • Celebrating motherhood.  And who doesn’t love to be celebrated?
  • Making connections.  Are you feeling isolated in this early stage of motherhood?  Are you searching for adult conversation, friendship and fellowship?  You’ll be able to find that at MOPS, and more!
  • Experiencing God’s love . . . through relationships, support and resources.

What exactly happens at a MOPS meeting?  At Williamsburg Presbyterian Church (WPC) MOPS, morning or evening meetings can include any or all of the following:

  • Dynamic speakers and Relevant Teaching: These speakers and activities will encourage members with an inspirational or educational talk on relevant issues in the lives of moms.
  • Mentoring: Sometimes we need a wise woman who has been there and done that to bounce ideas off of. That’s why we love our MOPS Mentors, they have sage advice and willing ears.
  • Leadership Development: You have the ability to do big things. We want to help you gain the confidence to use your voice to change your world.
  • Honest Conversation: Real talk is liberating. It frees us from assumptions that we are alone in our struggles. We value taking a risk and sharing stories, in order to heal someone else from their isolation.
  • Creative Activities: Create, imagine, and actually finish a project! We all need a little time to indulge in a creative endeavor.
  • MOPPETS: We know what you’re thinking:  I can’t get to a MOPS meeting – I have little kids to watch!  No worries!  We provide a loving and nurturing childcare experience for your kids that they will love going back to.


Every year is a new year at MOPS!  This year’s theme is A Fierce Flourishing, where all MOPS moms will be encouraged to Celebrate Lavishly, Embrace Rest, and Notice Goodness!  Our Bible verse for this year is: For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills before you shall break forth in singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands (Isaiah 55:12, The Great Invitation).  And that is what we at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church would like to extend: a great invitation for you to join us at MOPS this year!

We know what you’re thinking:  I’d love to see what this is all about, but what is the commitment?  We would love for you to try out a meeting first, if you’d like, before you commit to the full year (September through May).  You are welcome to join us free for your fist meeting, and see what we’re all about.  If you’d like to remain a part of our group for the rest of the year, we’ll have registration forms available.  And just in case you were wondering:  Yes, absolutely, you can bring a friend!  ALL moms are welcome!

So what exactly happens at a MOPS meeting?  Moms will drop off their MOPPETS with our wonderful and well-trained Williamsburg Presbyterian Church Childcare Staff.  Moms will then join us in Stevenson Fellowship Hall, where we’ll enjoy dinner together at the evening meeting, or a light brunch together for the morning meeting (your MOPPETS will be doing the same in their groups!).  Just as an FYI. . . WPC will provide the main dish and drinks for Moms and MOPPETS, and MOPS Moms will be asked to provide sides and dessert.  We’ll follow the MOPS meeting “formula” for the year:  Fun, Think, Talk, Do.  While we’re eating, we’ll have an icebreaker of some sort, and some fellowship (Fun).  After that, we’ll have our speaker for the evening (Think).  Next, a short discussion on the topic of the evening (Talk).  Finally, a creative activity (Do).

For more information on WPC MOPS, please contact Jodie Davis, WPC MOPS Coordinator, at jdavis@mywpc.org, or call the church (229-4235).   Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, 215 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23185
mops williamsburg


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