W&M Family Wellness Study- Adolescent Participants needed!

W&M Family Wellness Study- Adolescent Participants needed!

Adolescents aged 11-18 are needed for an online research study that is examining how adolescents are coping during COVID-19. We hope this will help us understand the needs of families during this time.

Participants will be asked to complete a 10-minute survey about school, relationships, and their experience during COVID-19. Those who complete the survey will be compensated with a $5 Amazon gift card and will be eligible to participate in a 20-minute interview. During the interview, the participant will talk to a researcher about school, relationships, and COVID-19 and will be compensated with a $10 Amazon gift card.

Parental consent is required for participation. To provide consent for either the survey, interview, or both, please visit: https://wmsas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0TIMqHc8Vym05et 


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