Williamsburg Botanical Garden: Children’s Programs – April/May 2014
Williamsburg Botanical Garden Children’s Programs
April 12: BIRDS!! Location: Freedom Park Interpretive Center, 10:00 a.m., open to the public, $5 donation requested. Description: Are your children interested in the birds in your backyard, those you see in the sky or by the side of the road while you are driving? We will look at bird shapes and listen to their songs and calls. Bring binoculars and we will learn the basics of bird identification so that children will be able to identify birds in our area! During a short walk outside, we will look and listen for birds. Recommended for children 5-12. Instructors: Jeanne and Mike Millin, Birding Specialists. Register by emailing sherrypat2@yahoo.com
May 10: ART IN THE GARDEN. Location: Williamsburg Botanical Garden, 10:00 a.m., open to the public, $5 donation requested. Description: Children 7 and over can create a botanical portrait in colored pencil or watercolor from plant materials they select in the Garden. All materials provided. Maximum of 25 participants. Instructor: Linda Miller, Artist and Virginia Master Naturalist. Register by emailing botanicalarttoday@yahoo.com