Thinking of Using A Standing Desk – See what the experts at Tidewater Physical Therapy recommend

Article from Tidewater Physical Therapy

It’s universally understood that sitting for too long is bad.

Portrait Of A Young Businessman Stretching In OfficeIn fact, medical professionals consider sitting for too long so bad for your health that the American Medical Association adopted a policy recognizing the potential risks of prolonged sitting.

That same policy also offered recommendations for alternatives to sitting in offices and work spaces, such as standing desks or adjustable desks.

Like everything else, how you use a standing desk matters. Just because you’re standing, doesn’t mean you’re doing yourself any favors – especially if you’ve got pre-existing back, knee or hip conditions.

So is standing more really the answer for all the office workers of the world? The short answer: it depends.

Get on your feet

Study after study has outlined the perils of sitting. Excessive sedentary behavior can lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer, metabolic syndrome and obesity. Sitting can make you uncomfortable, fatigued and lower your mood.

A standing desk is one solution to alleviate the stress and strain of hunching for too long in a chair. A CDC study found that the use of an adjustable desk helped one group of office workers reduce time spent sitting by 224 percent, or 66 minutes per day. The adjustable…Continue reading this article here


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