Sports & Classes – Advertise Your Business

Sports & Classes listing!Advertise for $246.38 for a four week run! 

Got sports and classes for kids and/or adults and need to get the word out to local residents? List your program on  Sports * Classes page!

Sports and Classes listing includes dedicated Social Media posts for your program and the Sports and Classes page is featured on Home Page, Menu Bar and in eNewsletter.

What does a Sports and Classes Listing include?

1. up to 5 images from your business and 500+ words
2. your businesses registration flyers
3. your business contact info, social media and website links
4. weekly dedicated social media post on our FB, Instagram & Twitter on your program / registration
5. ability to update your content at anytime during your listing contract
6. Sports & Classes page is listed on Home Page, on Social Media, on Menu Bar, and in the eNewsletter (in addition to your businesses weekly dedicated social media posts)
7. you can post more than one class or sport on the same listing – so the $246.38 fee can cover all your programs

Listing price: $246.38 monthly

Who looks at this page? Area locals looking for sports, dance, arts, music, computer and other classes for their kids and themselves.

Listings run for 4 weeks, they can start at anytime during the month. Sign up using the form below, we will then email you the invoice. If you have questions, need help with the listing or would like to run additional advertising – please email


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