The Williamsburg Boat Club

Williamsburg Boat Club
About the WBC

The Williamsburg Boat Club formally started in the spring of 2003.  The idea of a community boat club was formulated a few years earlier by the organization Friends of Williamsburg Rowing.  We are the community branch of the College of William and Mary Rowing Club, with whom we share coaches, equipment and a rowing site.

We held our first learn-to-row class in June, 2004.  Current members include beginners who have just completed the learn to row classes, those who learned to row as adults, former college and high school rowers now living in the Williamsburg area, as well as college students who want to continue to stay in shape over their summer breaks.  WBC rowers entered their first race as a club in the Summer of 2005.  The club consists of competitive members who continue to race, as well as members who prefer to row for recreation and exercise.


Our rowing site is located at the Chickahominy Riverfront Park, off of Route 5, just west of Williamsburg, VA. We launch from docks on Gordons Creek. Here is a Google Map of our launch site.

Join Us

If you are a current rower and would like to join us, or, if you have never rowed and would like to learn, please email us for more information.  Please check our Calendar for upcoming events.  We have scheduled rowing times for April through November, on Saturday and Sunday mornings (8:00 AM or 9:00 AM), as well as 2-3 evenings during the week.  If you are visiting the Historic Triangle area and would like to join us for a row, or, just a chat, feel free to check our Calendar, and/or, contact us via email.


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