Summer History Camps at the Jamestown Settlement & at the American Revolution Museum!
Summer History Camp at Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum
DATES: June 19 – July 27, 2023
History camps at Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown offer multi-day on-site educational programs designed to inspire engagement with early American history.
Children of a variety of ages will enjoy these fun learning opportunities. History camp registration at Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown is online only and available first come, first served.
Our summer 2023 themes include:
Jamestown Settlement Summer Camps 2023
- Jamestown Adventurers
AGES: 4-6 Years-Old
DATES: June 19-21 or July 17-19, 2023
COST: $75/3-day session
Kraken, Uttapantam and Nijila, Oh My!
Come out and explore Jamestown Settlement with us and discover the wonderful world of nature! Learn about the animals and plants that have called Virginia home for thousands of years, what things the English colonists brought with them and how the two groups mixed.
Register - Jamestown Discoverers
Grades: 1st-3rd Grade
DATES: June 19-21 or July 17-19, 2023
COST: $75/3-day session
Shh… No Talking!
How do you send information today? What about 400 years ago? Come learn how people of the 1600s shared their ideas and communicated things between and across their cultures.
Register - Jamestown Explorers
Grades: 4th-5th Grade
DATES: June 26-29, 2023
COST: $175/4-day session
Layers Upon Layers
We wear clothes every day, but where do we get the materials for those clothes? What about 400 years ago? Learn how different peoples clothed themselves and used the world around them to create fashion.
American Revolution Museum at Yorktown
- Yorktown Adventurers
AGES: 4-6 Years-Old
DATES: June 22-23 or July 20-21, 2023
COST: $50/2-day session
Revolutionary Plants and Animals
What plants and animals did the colonists rely on during the American Revolution and how did they influence the war for American independence? Learn about the animals and plants that lived in Virginia over 200 years ago and how they are still with us today.
Register - Yorktown Discoverers
GRADE: 1st-3rd Grade
DATES: June 22-23 or July 20-21, 2023
COST: $50/2-day session
What’s the Scoop?
Secrets, codes and spies, oh my! What was communication like during the late 18th century? Learn about espionage and propaganda during the American Revolution and how ideas were communicated between rebels, Tories and neutrals.
Register - Yorktown Explorers
GRADES: 4th-5th Grade •
DATES: July 24-27, 2023
COST: $175/4-day session
Wide-Ranging Wardrobe
Where can we see fashion in the late 18th century? From war to the home front, fabric and fashion were important aspects of colonial life. Explore how different people used fabric in their everyday lives and its role in the American Revolution.
Space is limited, with online-only registration, to register, click here.