Stonehouse district candidates – articles from WY Daily

Learn more about Jim Nickols and Holly Taylor, who are both running for the Stonehouse Seat on the Williamsburg-James City County School Board.

In WJCC Schools Bid, Nickols Calls for Continued Consensus, Improved Compensation

Jim Nickols 2015For Jim Nickols, it was his teachers who made sure he bucked the family trend of ending formal education in eighth grade by ensuring he graduated from high school and got into college. In his bid to continue to represent Stonehouse on the Williamsburg-James City County School Board, Nickols said he will advocate for teachers like (MORE)

Taylor Focuses on Safety, Accessibility in Bid for Stonehouse School Board Seat

Holly Taylor 2015Holly Taylor knows what it’s like for a school tragedy to hit close to home — growing up, she said her family lived near Sandy Hook Elementary School, the site of the 2012 mass shooting. In her bid to represent Stonehouse on the Williamsburg-James City County School Board, Taylor said she wants to make sure the (MORE)



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