Starting Sunday Oct. 30th, 2022 Chowning’s Tavern will be open 7-day a week.

chownings tavern colonial williamsburg

Starting Sunday Oct. 30th, 2022 Chowning’s Tavern will be open 7-day a week.

Colonial Williamsburg is happy to announce that Chowning’s Tavern will be opening up to a 7 day a week operation starting Sunday Oct. 30th, 2022. The restaurant on the main street of Colonial Williamsburg, Duke of Gloucester St. (DoG St) recently started its interactive program Revel on Friday evenings – where you never know what historical figure may attend. This fall is also a perfect time to head to the Historic Area as Colonial Williamsburg has DoG St. lit with 18th Century lighting – the cressets. This makes a hazy glow which is perfect for an evening stroll or an evening program like Haunted Williamsburg or Cry Witch.

Here are the new hours of operation.

Inside Dining
Snack Bar (weather dependent)
Cider Stand

Inside dining will be 11:30-7:30pm
Cider Stand will be 11am-5pm
Snack Bar will be 11am-5pm

To learn more about Chowning’s Tavern and see their menus visit Colonial Williamsburg Resorts.

beer release party at chownings


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