Spies Along The Waterfront: The Civil War on the York River – May 2-4, 2014



Spies Along The Waterfront:

The Civil War on the York River


The Confederate forces have retreated to defend Richmond and the Federal forces have occupied Yorktown.

How did the people of the area react?

What happened when the Civil War came to the York River!


Friday May 2nd 1 – 4 pm, Civil War Education Day

Saturday May 3rd 10 am – 6 pm, Civil War Event

Sunday May 4th  12 – 5, Lecture Series and Exhibits


Free admission to the Museum and Lecture

Catering provided by the Carrot Tree Kitchens

For more info Contact the Watermens Museum at

309 Water Street

Yorktown, VA23690



Spies Along The Waterfront:

The Civil War on the York River


 Friday May 2


1:00 – 4:00  Spies Along the Waterfront Education Program


Saturday May 3


10:00 Confederate State Navy Crew Muster

                             Living History, Craft demonstrators

Civic Group and Museum displays

                             Military Displays – 1st Regiment of Virginia Volunteers

10:30 Spies Along the Waterfront Game begins

                    11:00 Children’s Play

 “When the Yankees came to Town: Williamsburg under Occupation”

12:00  Ships Mess Call

1:00  Cannon Drill

                    2:00  Children’s Play

“When the Yankees Came to Town: Williamsburg under Occupation”

3:00  Ersatz: Making Do During the War

4:00  Starvation Party/ Particpatory Music and Dance

5:00  York River Floating Folk Jam

6:00  Cannon Firing Demonstration



After the inconclusive Battle of Williamsburg in May of 1862, the Union army took over Williamsburg. Although the Confederates tried to retake the town several times, none of those attempts were successful and the Union army remained in control.  For the citizens of Williamsburg, it was a time of dealing with wounded and dying, little or no food, random house searches, destruction of property and threats from the Union soldiers. 12 talented kids will bring to life what it was like to be under Union control for 3 years and live in Williamsburg


Sunday May 4


12:00 – 5pm        Exhibits Open to the Public

1:00  General Wister: Spies Along the Waterfront

                             Lecture by Diane Depew from Colonial National Battlefield Park


2:30  Museum Member Appreciation Celebration



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