Running, Walking & Cycling Clubs in Williamsburg and Yorktown – Free, Family Friendly and with food and drink perks!

williamsburg running club

Running, Walking & Cycling Clubs in Williamsburg and Yorktown – Free, Family Friendly and with food and drink perks!

For those who love a good run, jog, or walk with a group of folks who like to meet after and hang around eating hot dogs, roasted chicken sandwhiches or other delights while enjoying water or an adult beverage…these two running clubs are for you.  All are family friendly.  Your kids are welcome to walk or run or even bike.  Strollers are welcome too.  Usually wheels follow behind the runners so there are no traffic jams.    Scroll down to see which running club meets each day of the week.


DoG St. Running Club
Mondays 6 pm.  FREE

Open to all – formerly the DoG St. Pub Run – this is for walkers, runners, and all ages. The road is stroller and bike friendly too.

Meet around 5:45 PM at Merchant Square in front of DoG Street Pub (401 W Duke of Gloucester St Williamsburg, VA 23185).

Runners set off at 6pm then gather at Precarious Beer Hall (110 S. Henry Street Williamsburg, VA 23185) after the run on the back patio for some social time!

More info? Email


Billsburg Brewery’s Cycling and Running Club
Tuesdays at 6 pm. FREE

Every Tuesday is Cycling and Run Club at Billsburg Brewery. Registration for both is from 5-6. Cycling Club can start after signing in and the group run starts at 6 pm

Whether you are an avid cyclist, a casual biker, a running or wogger, come out to Billsburg between 5-6pm & register (by Taproom door) Taproom specials for Club members. After 10 rides or run-you’ll get a Billsburg Club t-shirt.


The Williamsburg Winery Run Club – Will Run for Wine
CurThe Run Club is currently on hiatus.

The Williamsburg Winery Run Club has created guidelines to help keep everyone running and safe. See here


Williamsburg Walking Club Series from JCC Parks & Recreation (SELECT SATURDAYS):

  • Walk This Way: Williamsburg Walking Club â€¢ Ages 14+ FREE!
    Saturday, July 8, 2023 – 9 – 10 a.m.
    Powhatan Creek Trail  
  • Walk This Way: Williamsburg Walking Club • Ages 14+ FREE!
     Saturday, July 22, 2023 – 9-10 a.m.
    Powhatan Creek Trail



Pack Walk Club

Every Sunday meet at Nautical Dog @10:30 am

Who is coming tomorrow to our weekly pack walk? Nautical Dog is excited to announce our Pack Walk Club co-hosted with Iron Bound Gym. Meetup is on Sundays at 10:30at Nautical Dog – weather permitting. They will walk various trails throughout New Town. Each week you will get a punch on your PWC card. On number 1, 5, 15, & 25 you will earn a free gift. *Please no retractable leashes. See you in the morning at 10:30 am in front of Nautical Dog. Also thank you to Iron-Bound Gym for being an awesome co-sponsor.

Nautical Dog in Newtown
5102 Main St Suite B
Williamsburg VA 23188

Visit our Williamsburg Calendar for more events


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