Over 1000 hungry mouths don’t feed themselves at the Virginia Living Museum – learn about how the VLM is carrying on during COVID-19…

Over 1000 hungry mouths don’t feed themselves at the Virginia Living Museum EVERY day!

What can we do to support the Virginia Living Museum right now during COVID-19? Especially when they still have over a thousand mouths to feed every day and no daily ticket sales? Well the Emergency Animal Fun is one way and we talk about it in this interview with the Virgnia Living Museum’s Marketing Director Judy Triska.

But even if you cannot give right now, keep ready this Q & A and learn some cool things about the Virginia Living Museum (VLM). And you won’t want to miss their Natural Learning Series of multiple streaming events a DAY with live animals, plus star gazing, story times and more!

But now on to our Q&A with Judy Triska!

How is the VLM operating right now?  How many staff that come in to take care of the animals?

The Virginia Living Museum is operating on Essential Staff only. These are mostly the individuals that feed and care for our over 250 living species in addition to a few facility and business operations staff members. On any given day there is approximately 8-1 animal welfare staff on hand in aquariums, herpetology and bird/mammal keepers and medical professionals.

How are the otters doing? Are you noticing the animals miss the visitors?

The otters are thriving as many of our LIVE QuaranStream videos share their daily enrichments and feedings by our devoted keepers.  They do respond to humans at the viewing windows just as much as visitors enjoy seeing them.  They do like attention!  Yes, most animals absolutely do miss the visitors.

How many animals does the VLM feed every day? 

1483, counting all mouths!

How many pounds of food does the VLM go thru everyday? 


For those who don’t know about the VLM, where do the animals come from?

 Many of the Virginia Living Museum animals are injured and deemed or non-releasable and would not survive on their own in the wild.  They live as vibrant animal ambassadors for their species under human care – our Animal Welfare and Veterinary Team. Many have been in the care of licensed rehabilitators until they find their home at the Museum. The naturalized habitats and aquariums inside the Museum house species that you would find in the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Cypress Swamp and Mountain regions of Virginia. Outdoors, an elevated 3/4 mile boardwalk trail travels through a coastal bird aviary, beaver, otters, raccoons, coyotes, red wolf, bald eagle, bobcat, foxes and the majority of our mammals in large, naturalized habitats.

How many fish do you have at the museum?

Between 1,100 – 1,160

Is this shutdown affecting your ability to pay for operating expenses like feeding the animals? 


Do daily tickets make up a large part of the Museum’s budget? 

Yes.  Daily ticket sales represent the largest component in our revenue stream.    

How can people help? Can you tell us more about the Emergency Animal Support Fund? 

The Emergency Animal Support Fund is critical and provides essential funds for daily care and food for 250 living animal species. Our dedicated animal care and veterinary team is onsite daily. We feed many of our animals several times daily.  All of them, large and small are waiting out the pandemic like us. Our daily needs remain the same even though the front doors are closed to the public. The Virginia Living Museum’s closure has a significant financial impact. The Museum has a greater need now as attendance revenue is not available. Support to the Emergency Animal Fund provides relief for those unavailable resources so that we may continue to provide the highest level of care to resident animals. https://thevlm.org/join/donate/

Is this a Tax Deductible Donation? 

Yes! The Museum is a non-profit 501 (c)3, gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The recently implemented CARES Act now provides donors with a universal tax deduction of up to $300 on a 2020 tax return if they take the standard deduction. Individual that itemize are eligible for a deduction up to 100% of AGI for 2020 for qualifying cash contributions. For corporations, the limit on deductions for charitable contributions has been increased to 25% of taxable income. You should always check with your tax advisor to learn more. 

Are there other ways people can donate – do you have an animal food drive?  Are there items people can order and have delivered or drop off at the museum?

Yes! While we are closed and following Governor Northam’s Executive Orders- our Amazon Wish List is another great way to donate- you simply choose an item from our list of needs. https://thevlm.org/join/donate/other-ways-to-give/

We know you all have a photo like this with your child in the shell!

Thank you to Judy Triska at the Virginia Living Museum and the Staff who helped answer all of our questions. Remember them in your donations if you can and make sure to visit them when they reopen in June. If you want to learn more about ticket prices or Family Memberships (great deal and offer lots of perks) visit theVLM.org


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