What is the McKenzie Method for Treating Back & Neck Pain? – from Tidewater Physical Therapy
From Tidewater Physical Therapy
What is the McKenzie Method for treating back and neck pain and is it right for you?
It was none other than 5th century theologian Saint Augustine who noted that the “greatest evil is physical pain.” He also espoused that it is the “very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections.”
Sufferers of back pain and neck pain are all too familiar with this evil and their imperfections that Saint Augustine described.
In response to the prevalence of low back and neck pain, a New Zealand physiotherapist named Robin McKenzie developed in the 1950s a method of treatment. It doesn’t require months of therapy or expensive equipment, nor does it rely on drugs, injections or surgery. What it does require is a physical therapist specially trained in its approach to treating low back and neck pain.
What is the McKenzie Method?
The McKenzie Method uses an exercise-based approach of assessment, diagnosis and treatment, according to the New Zealand-based McKenzie Institute. The idea is for the body to potentially repair itself absent the use of medicine or invasive treatments such as surgery.
The McKenzie Method is intended to treat not only….continue reading here