Mask update for York County School District – Update for Tues Feb 22, 2022

YCSD Mitigation Strategies – Student Masking UpdatePosted On: Monday, February 14, 2022

During a special meeting this evening, the York County School Board voted unanimously to adjust some of the division’s COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

Beginning Tuesday, February 22, students will have the option to remove masks while inside YCSD school buildings and offices. In discussing the timeline for implementing changes, the Board sought to ensure they provided time for families and staff, especially those who are more vulnerable to the virus, to prepare for this shift.

It is important to note that students will still be required to wear masks while on school buses in accordance with federal orders. Students enrolled in regional programs will be expected to adhere to the rules of those campuses.

Additionally, contact tracing responsibilities for positive COVID-19 cases involving students and staff members will be shifted from division staff to the Peninsula Health District. Students and staff should still report a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 and follow isolation guidelines. Additionally, all students and staff should continue daily health screenings and stay home when sick to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and other viruses.

The Department of Labor order requiring employees to wear masks in schools and offices remains in place at this time. Until further notice, visitors and volunteers will also be required to wear masks when inside YCSD facilities.


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