Looking for a water filter system for your family that removes toxins but not minerals?
Why is the Berkey Water Filter so goo
Berkey water filters are unique in their ability to to meet the needs of a wide range of users. These abilities mean that if you purchase a Berkey, you will not have to compromise on any of the attributes you consider necessary.
Water Filtering Ability
All Berkey water filters produce purified drinking water. In order to be classified as a water purifier, Berkey has surpassed standards set by the military in order to be able to differentiate between water filters of different abilities. These standards set the bar so high that very few are able to achieve this classification. Berkey water filters not only meet this standard but surpasses it with never before seen results. To find out more visit Water Purifier vs Water Filter.
The Berkey is Economical
The water filtration elements inside every Berkey system are cleanable, this allows each Black Berkey element to produce up to 3000 gallons of purified drinking water without the costly need of replacement. Take our most popular system the Big Berkey for example. This system comes with two filters, so the life of these filters would be 6000 gallons. The average family of four would drink about 2 to 4 gallons of water per day. Under those conditions the filters would not need replaced for a minimum of 4 years. That’s using the Berkey to produce every drop of drinking and cooking water you would need for 1500 continuous days. Factor in the cost to replace the filters and the cost to enjoy purified drinking water is less than 2 cents per gallon. Compare this to other water filters on the market.
Dependably Simple
The technology that Berkey uses to purify water is able to handle the very smallest of water contaminants, even viruses, making it on of the most powerful water filtering systems available. This ability is all possible using the most simple, foolproof methods, starting with micro-filtration. The pore structure of the Black Berkey filtering element is so small that minute organisms are not physically able to pass through the filtration medium. To make this microscopic structure even more powerful we incorporate the second simple but powerful technology, ionic absorbtion. This method adds an ionic charge that repels many other contaminants that would otherwise pass through the filter including heavy metals and chemicals. These abilities are built into the filters structure, they do not wear out or diminish in ability over time. So all that needs to be done to restore the filter to like new condition, is clean it to remove the contaminants that are trapped on the outermost surface of the element. That’s it, foolproof and simple.
The Berkey water filter is used worldwide to meet the needs of of a wide range of users. Emergency relief workers depend on the Berkey to take water of questionable quality and transform it into drinking water. People preparing for disaster purchase the Berkey water filter and put it in long term storage along with other preparation items. Health conscience people use the Berkey to rid their water of contaminants that are harmful to their bodies. People in remote areas or areas that only have access to water from outside sources like streams or lakes trust the Berkey for their needs. With a wide range of sizes and filter configurations the Berkey water filter is able to handle any size group from 1 person to a large group of people up to 150.
Black Berkey Purification Elements: Filtration Specifications
The Black Berkey Purification Elements far surpass other water filters in filtration capability as evidenced by their extensive filtration specifications. These elements have a specialized purification process that is due to their unique structure. The element’s filtration media is a combination of micro-pores, which trap harmful contaminants like bacteria, and revolutionary material with adsorption and ion exchange properties that essentially attract molecules and viruses to the media, preventing them from passing into your drinking water.
Many water filters on the market may claim to be a purifier but do not meet the performance specifications required for this classification. In order to be classified as a water purifier, a water treatment device must remove at least 99.9999% of pathogenic bacteria (known as a log 6 reduction in the water treatment industry) and reduce viruses by 99.99% (log 4 reduction). OurBerkey water filter systems can be classified as a water purifier because the elements actually remove 99.9999999% of pathogenic bacteria (log 9 reduction) and 99.999% of viruses which greatly exceeds the standards.
The Black Berkey filters have been tested by several EPA-accredited laboratories including the Department of Toxicology and Environmental Science at Louisiana University, Spectrum Labs, and the University of Phoenix. This extensive testing confirmed that the Black Berkey Purification Elements far exceed EPA and ANSI/NSF (Std. 53) protocol.
The Black Berkey filters have been tested and confirmed to remove or greatly reduce the contaminants listed below.
Viruses: 99.999% reduction – MS2 Coliphage – Fr Coliphage *Exceeds purification standards
Pathogenic Bacteria Surrogate: >99.9999% – Raoultella terrigena *Exceeds purification standard (Log 6)
Micro-Organisms: 99.9% reduction
Including: Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform, e.Coli
Pharmaceuticals: 99.5% reduction
Including: Erythromycin USP, Progestrone, Naproxen Sodium, Carbamazepine, Caffeine, Acetaminofen, Sulfamethoxazole, Triclosan, BPA
Trihalomethanes: Removed to below lab detectable limits >89.8% reduction
Including: Bromodichloromethane, Bromoform, Chloroform, Dibromochloromethane
Inorganic Minerals: Removed to below lab detectable limits
Including: Chlorine Residual (Total Residual Chlorine)
Heavy Metals: Greater than 95% reduction for most metals
Including: Aluminum (> 75%). Antimony (>97.5%), Barium (>80%), Cadmium (>99.5%), Cobalt (>95%), Chromium (>95%), Chromium 6 (>99.85%), Copper (>95%), Lead (>97.5%), Mercury (>98%), Molybdenum (>90%), Nickel (>95%), Vanadium (>87.5%)
Volatile Organic Compounds: Removed to below lab detectable limits
Including: Alachlor, Atrazine, Benzene, Carbofuran, Carbon Tetrachloride,Chlorine, Chloramines, Chlorobenzene, Chloroform, 2 4-D, DBCP,
p-Dichlorobenzene, o-Dichlorobenzene, 1 1-Dichloroethane
1 2-Dichlorpethane, 1 1-Dichloroethylene, Cis-1 2-Dichloroethyiene
Trans-1 2-Dichloroethylene, 1 2-Dichloropropane
Cis-l 3-Dichloropropylene, Dinoseb, Endrin, Ethylbenzene
Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide
Hexachlorobutodlene, Hexachloro-, Cyclopentadlene, Lindane
Methoxychlor, MTBE, Pentachlorophenol, Simazine, Styrene
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane, Tetrachloroethylene, Toluene
2,4,5-TP (Silvex), 1 2 4-trichlorobenzene, 1 1 1-trichloroethane
11 2-trichloroethane, Trichloroethylene, o-Xylene, m-Xylene
Download a full list of recent test results here: Test_results.pdf
Also removes or reduces: Arsenic (>99%),MBAS (>96.67%), Nitrites (>95%), Selenium (>97.5%), Thallium (>99.5%), as well as rust, silt, sediment, turbidity, foul taste and odors.
So What are You Waiting For….Check out Berkey today!
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