Liz Callaway performed at the first Broadway in Williamsburg: Review

Liz Callaway performed at the first Broadway in Williamsburg: Reviewed

It was a beautiful September evening in the heart of Colonial Williamsburg and my husband and I headed down to the Williamsburg Inn. The event was sold out. We walked past the reflecting pool and through the front door of the Inn.

The staff directed us to the Social Terrace which is the grand back terrace of the Inn where over-sized seating mingle around an outdoor bar and where live music fills the air on the weekend. This evening we were served drinks and appetizers while we chatted and gazed out over the evergreen golf course.

When it was time for seating the staff brought each guest to their table and went over their pre-ordered meals and wine selection. As I looked toward the front of the room there was a blue glow from the ceiling that filled the area where the grand piano sat waiting to provide the accompaniment.

Our dinner was delicious and our desert davine. By the time the coffee and cookies came I could hardly take another bit or sip. But the evening was far from over. As I turned in my seat,I found a Broadway Star Liz Callaway just a few feet away instantly captivating the room with her stories of her career that then seemlessly interwove between songs from her years on the stage.
Story and song became one and we were all taken on a musical journey with quite a few laughs, mesmerizing music and some interesting tales to take home with us.
When the evening was over it felt like we had gone somewhere. Somewhere outside of our normal night out, outside of our neighborhood, outside of our ordinary. We had spent an evening dining at a 5 star hotel in the heart of Williamsburg with a Broadway Star…it was a magical evening.

As luck would have it the event was so popular that Colonial Williamsburg Resorts has decided to make it a series. The next Broadway In Williamsburg will be BROADWAY IN WILLIAMSBURG: HOLIDAY FAVORITES Dec 20, 2019
Tickets includes:
- Cocktails on the Social Terrace
- 3 Course Wine Pairing Dinner in the Regency Room of the Williamsburg Inn Visit Here for menu
- Performer TBD in an intimate Cabaret in the Regency Room of the Williamsburg Inn (75 min)
For tickets and more information visit here

Colonial Williamsburg Inn
136 Francis Street East, Williamsburg, VA, United States