JCC Leaf Collection dates self-haul and curbside at no charge

Leaf Collection

Leaf Collection in James City County


General Services is happy to announce two changes to the self-haul leaf disposal. Residents may now drop off leaves free of charge Nov. 12-Jan. 15 at the Jolly Pond Convenience Center, located at 1204 Jolly Pond Road. The Convenience Center is open daily from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In addition to clear bags, residents may now bring leaves in truck beds, trailers or containers which allow Convenience Center staff to clearly see the contents are leaves only. Residents are responsible for unloading their leaves into the leaf pile (opening bags and dumping, shoveling leaves from truck bed, etc.). Leaves from commercial lawn service companies will not be accepted by Convenience Center staff.

At all other times, leaves may be self-hauled by using coupons available at the Treasurer’s Office, Satellite Office, the James City County Recreation Center and the Abram Frink Jr. Community Center or online. Credit/debit cards are also accepted at the site. One coupon ($4 charge) per four lawn and leaf-sized bags is required.

Brush, grass and tree limbs are not included in the free collection. The appropriate charge for these items will be determined at the time of drop off.

Curbside Collection

The County will provide one round of curbside leaf collection. Collection dates are as follows and are determined by voting district. Voting district information can be found by entering your address (123 Main Street) into our interactive leaf collection map. Once the address is located on the map, click near your address and your district and dates will appear. Please note that the schedule has changed from previous years.

Voting District and Collection Dates

  • Stonehouse/North Powhatan Dec. 1-2
  • Jamestown/South Powhatan Dec. 2-9
  • Berkeley/Roberts Dec. 9-15

Leaves must be in clear bags no larger than lawn or leaf-size (40 gallons or less). Bagged leaves must be left curbside by 8 a.m. on the first day of collection in each district. Each street will be collected one time only. Bulky materials such as brush and tree limbs cannot be accepted.

Enter your address (123 Main Street) in our interactive leaf collection map. Once the address is located on the map, click near your address and your district and dates will appear.

Leaf Composting

Leaves that are dropped off at Jolly Pond are taken to either the VPPSA Compost Facility in Yorktown or J.S.G. on Centerville Road, where they are composted. Leaves from the curbside pickup are given to the Williamsburg Community Growers, a nonprofit garden center which provides fresh, locally grown produce to community organizations, low-income neighborhoods and school cafeterias. Leaves are available, free of charge, for personal composting only. For more information, contact JCC Solid Waste via phone 757-565-0971 or email.

Leaf Burning

Burning of leaves is not permitted, except in certain areas zoned A-1, General Agriculture.


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