Did You Know Can Physical Therapy Help Scars?
How Physical Therapy Can Help Scars
by Mona Saeed, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, CHT Tidewater Physical Therapy
Scars can come from many things including falls, scrapes, and surgical procedures. The scars I want to discuss today are those found after surgery. It is imperative for scar tissue to form because it helps us heal by putting back together what the doctor so carefully worked on. It makes us whole again.
It is important to realize that scars are much more than the neat line of stitches left on the surface of our skin. Scar tissue actually goes very deep, starting at the skin level, going through connective tissue, down into muscle tissue, past nerves, arteries and veins, and sometime even bone. Scars do not discriminate: they stick to all tissue and reach in all directions. Left untouched, scar tissue can become kinky, tight, thick, tough, bumpy and a variety of colors. They can contribute to pain, restrict range of motion, cause hypersensitivity, and even deficits in strength. All of these side effects… to continue reading click here