JCC Police and Fire Departments to Offer Active Shooter and Stop the Bleed Training on June 22, 2022

CRASE Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Stop the Bleed

JCC Police and Fire Departments to Offer Active Shooter and Stop the Bleed Training

In light of recent national events, the James City County Police and James City County Fire Departments have teamed up to instruct a course on Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (C.R.A.S.E) and Stop the Bleed, a course on basic first aid for active shooter events. 

This combined course will be held on June 22 from 6-9 p.m. at the JCCPD Law Enforcement Center, located at 4600 Opportunity Way, and is open to JCC residents age 18 and older. There is no cost to attend. Class attendance is limited, so please ensure to sign up using the link provided: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0545a9a922a02-civilian9

Once class space is full, a waiting list will be made available in case of any openings.

Contact Assistant Fire Marshal Nathan Otis at 757-565-7612 or Sergeant Jason Slodysko at 757-259-5161 with any questions. 


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