Infant Massage Classes & Beyond the Delivery Class — September 22 through November 17
Infant Massage Classes and Beyond the Delivery
 Sponsored by:
Virginia Cooperative Extension’s FCS, Family Focus Program
Eight – 90 minute classes
Thursdays, September 22 – November 17, 2016
10:00 am – 11:30 am
(no class October 20th)
Infant Massage starts this Thursday, Sept. 22nd at  10:00 am at Virginia Cooperative Extension Family Focus in Yorktown.
Registration is going on now, call 898-2945.  There are no required fees involved. Parents are welcome to make donations if comfortable. The program is supported through grants and private donations.
Parents never have to worry about being late we know family life is busy. The class is relaxed, informal and informative and supportive.
Infant Massage and Beyond the Delivery helps your baby soothe and calm easier, creates an atmosphere of trust and security, helps baby achieve a deeper more restful sleep, promotes and deepens parent-child communication and bonding, creates a community support system, offers unique educational opportunities, and encourages and empowers parents!
To register for this class or for more information, please call Bee Darrow at (757) 898-2945 or Sheree Press at (757) 566-9777. Some fees may apply for class instruction, written materials, illustrated strokes and massage oil. Child care is available for older siblings.
Infant Massage Classes & Beyond the Delivery helps your baby
- Soothe and calm easier
- Creates an atmosphere of trust and security
- Helps baby achieve a deeper, more restful sleep
- Promotes and deepens parent-child communication and bonding
- Creates a community support system
- Offers unique educational opportunities
- Encourages and empowers parents
This class is for parents of infants who are not yet crawling, grandparents and expectant parents.
Virginia Cooperative Extention – Family Focus York County
St Mark Lutheran Church
118 Old York Hampton Hwy., Yorktown, Virginia
Supported by the Virginia Department of Social Services Family Violence Prevention Program.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact  James City County Unit at 757/564-2170/TDD*) during business hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to discuss accommodations 10 days prior to the event. *TDD Number (800) 828-1120