Healthy Beginnings Diaper Drive 2014

Healthy Beginnings Project Diaper Drive
Help us collect 10,000 diapers for Williamsburg babies!
Donate from November 1 – November 30, 2014
- Drop off a donation at the College of William and Mary:
Old Dominion Hall, Child and Family Study Center
Psych Dept., ISC 1137
Campus Child Care Center
The Hoke House
The Law School Student Lounge
SWEMOR donate online: QWTJE8WIQ3T4/ref=cm_wl_search_ bin_1For more info contact us: 1-855-825-3541 Did You Know?
– This area’s closest diaper banks are located over an hour away from Williamsburg.
– In Williamsburg 18.4% of residents live below the poverty level which is 7% more than the Virginia average. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012).
– The poverty level is almost double the amount of those receiving social services benefits (10.2%) in Williamsburg (University of Virginia, 2014).
– 8.9% of residents in Williamsburg are considered “food insecure”, meaning they lack access to enough food for a healthy lifestyle and at times are uncertain when they will be able to afford their next meal. (Feeding America, 2011).
– Williamsburg has the second highest rates in the state of Virginia of children living in poverty (22.7%) behind Newport News (23.3%). (Kids Count Data Book, 2009).Receiving a donation:
If you are interested in receiving a donation, please fill out our diaper request form or contact us and be prepared to show evidence of eligibility (e.g., evidence that you are currently enrolled in TANF and/or Medicaid).