Have Fun Being Healthy this Fall – Juli Zacharias

This is a great time of year and there are various mini events around town to do as a family or individually: 1 mile fun runs, 5K’s and 10K’s. For example, the upcoming Turkey Trot, and the Christmas Town Dash are here in a few weeks. Just look for signs and fliers as you enter into the WISC, YMCA and the JCC Rec Center to find more events to get outside this Fall. The environment is so much fun; everyone is out to get healthy and accomplish the goal of “just” finishing. Join your kids and encourage them to run or walk. Be an example to your children, show them that through perseverance and determination they too can accomplish a goal.
As our children get older and life seems to pass before our eyes, and sometimes we can feel lost in the “parent mode”. I was encouraged by a friend to enter a race not too many years ago. I suddenly placed a goal in front of myself, something to strive for, outside of just trying to balance the needs of my family. When I told my family, they were excited to be able to support and cheer me on. As scared or hesitant as they might be to make it through a school day, complete a project, or participate on a sports team, we welcome the opportunity to support and encourage them in achieving their goal. Now we can be an example and enable them to have the ability to encourage us and each other within our families. The same gratification we get by seeing our children succeed, I feel they are able to experience by cheering us on and being a part of their parent’s success story. To love, support and encourage each other as a family far exceeds just having a health body. Have fun with being healthy this Fall and get out there!

We are so excited to announce that Juli Zacharias has agreed to be www.WilliamsburgFamilies.com’s runner in the upcoming Christmas Town Dash! As our second year sponsoring the event we really wanted to have a runner and Juli was our first pick. Many of you will know her from Mother’s Day Out at Williamsburg United Methodist Church. She is a local favorite among many little ones in Williamsburg and their parents! We will be cheering her on and posting pictures of race day!