From Making History Now – So You Want to Shoot a Musket?



by Eric Von Aschwege

So you make muskets here?” a wide-eyed visitor asks excitedly as I welcome him into the Gunsmith shop. It’s not an unusual question, and as I continue to learn my trade with George and Richard, I experiment with new ways to respond to inquiries we hear many times each day.

“I’m afraid not,” I explain as I hold up our display rifle. “This is a rifle; that is a fowling piece over my shoulder, the one on top is an Indian trade gun, those are pistols, and this small silver fowler is to spoil a rich boy.”

Our guest pauses, “But aren’t these all muskets?” With the grand opening of Colonial Williamsburg’s new Musket Range just around the corner, we thought it would take a moment to dispel a few common misconceptions about the firearms you see around Williamsburg, and give you a taste of what to expect when you join us at the range! Read more here


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