Food Drive – Williamsburg Community Chapel – April 18th
Food Drive at the Williamsburg Chapel
Saturday, April 18
10 am – 2 pm
Bags of non-perishable food items can be dropped off in a drive-up at the Main South Entrance under the portico. These food donations will be delivered to local ministry partners who are involved in daily food distribution in our community.
Items needed: canned/dry/shelf-stable milk, peanut butter, jelly, pasta sauce, spaghetti sauce, pasta noodles, spaghetti noodles, canned fruit, fruit-squeeze packs, cups of fruit, canned ham, canned meat, canned pasta meals, canned soups, hearty soups, granola bars, crackers, hot cereal, cold cereal, juice, rice, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, canned potatoes, canned sweet potatoes, canned corn, canned green beans, canned beans, canned tomatoes, canned veggies (any), bags of dried beans, ramen, cleaning products, razors, soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, baby diapers, baby wipes, baby hygiene items, kid-friendly food
Williamsburg Community Chapel
3899 John Tyler Hwy, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185