Experience Marvel’s Doctor Strange in Dolby Cinemas at AMC Opening Nov 4, 2016 #DoctorStrange #DolbyCinema #shareAMC
Experience Marvel’s Doctor Strange in Dolby Cinemas at AMC
Opening Nov 4, 2016
Are your ready to see Marvel’s DOCTOR STRANGE?
Now is your chance to see it and experience it in Dolby Cinema at AMC!
Now as excited as my husband and kids are to see Marvel’s DOCTOR STRANGE, I am equally excited to check it out in Dolby Cinema. Why? Because the Dolby Cinema experience is AMAZING. For those who don’t know, Dolby Cinema is an experience that begins the minute you walk up to the Cinema and is only heightened once you enter the theater.
I’m talking leather recliners, bright vibrant colors, and sound quality in which you feel the action as though you’re now in the movie instead of just watching it. And when I say “feel” – the reserved leather recliners pulsate with the action. The sound moves through the cinema and the images are electric – don’t believe me – just watch this trailer for the Dolby Cinematic experience.
Dolby Cinema at AMC has three major differences from other theaters, Dramatic Imaging, Innovative Seating, and Moving Sound. And for an action movie such as Doctor Strange there may not be a better venue on our side of reality! Do we have your interest now…want to know about all upcoming Dolby Cinema at AMC movies and special events? Just sign up for Dolby Newsletter and stay in the know!
Now for those who don’t know about Dr. Strange here is a little background before you head to your local Dolby Cinema at AMC this weekend. Dr. Stephen Strange, a successful neurosurgeon, is in a terrible car accident that takes away the use of his cherished hands. When he finds that modern medicine cannot help him, Dr. Strange looks for hope in an unlikely place: Kamar-Taj. This is where the battle against unseen dark forces are focused on destroying our reality as we know it. We will get to see if he has the courage to accept that there might be more to this world than what he thought…
Do you want to not only see Marvel’s Doctor Strange but also experience Dolby Cinema at AMC!?
Quick scroll to the bottom of this post because….we are giving away (2) Family 4 pack of tickets to the 11:10 showing on November 5th AMC Hampton Towne Centre 24.
Not in the Hampton Roads area? Find a Dolby Cinema near you (see following list).
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Enter to Win Tickets to see Marvel’s Doctor Strange!

Enter to win a four pack of tickets to see Marvel’s Doctor Strange and experience Dolby Cinema at AMC!
We are giving away (2) Family 4 pack of tickets to the 11:10 showing on November 5th at AMC Hampton Towne Centre 24!!!
Good Luck and hope to see you November 5th at AMC Hampton Towne Centre 24 enjoying Marvel’s DOCTOR STRANGE.