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June 28, 2024 @ 2:40 am 4:00 pm


Saturday, June 29 – 2:40-4:00 PM
Amber Ox Public House – 525 Prince George St

When European settlers arrived in North America they took their penchant for making whiskey with them! And as they – and the nation – moved west they discovered new methods of making this beloved spirit, especially once they settled in what was at that point Virginia but which would one day be Kentucky. Learn (and taste!) how the limestone rich waters west of the Appalachians make some of the finest whiskies in the world, why distillers char their barrels before they use them, and how German settlers in Maryland and Pennsylvania adapted the recipe for their beloved rye bread into a new spirit in the new world.

This is the second in a three-part History of Whiskey course being offered throughout the weekend. Classes $40 Limited tickets available! Tickets are available here.

  • HOSTED BY GREG BENSONGreg Benson is a food and beverage writer whose work has appeared in The City Paper, Vinepair and The Washington Post. He produces and co-hosts The Speakeasy, one of the longest running bartending podcasts in the world and the recipient of a Spirited Award at last year’s Tales of the Cocktail festival.
525 Prince George St
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 United States
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