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DIY Jar bar

November 30 @ 10:00 am 8:00 pm

The Sensory Jars are perfect for proving some calm during a hectic season. Take it with you to the Christmas parade and share your light with others!

Get ready to Glo this holiday season! Join School Crossing for a DIY Jar bar. Pick out your Jar, add water and fillers from our DIY bar, get your Glo on! We will have batteries available as part of your DIY bar purchase.

Have your own jar? Bring it and get a filler refresh!

Sensory Jar + Fillers + Batteries : $34.99
Filler refill: $3.99

All other Glo Pals products will be on sale for 20% off during this event!
Questions? Call the store at  757-220-8772

4640-11c Monticello Ave
Williamsburg, Virginia 23188 United States
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