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Event Series Black Artist Showcase

Black Artist Showcase

Jamestown Settlement 2110 Jamestown Road, Route 31, Williamsburg

Black Artist Showcase at Jamestown Settlement Event Details: Black Artist Showcase at Jamestown Settlement is connecting the past and present through vivid intersections of contemporary art and 17th-century history.  The...

Event Series AARP Williamsburg Tax-Aide

AARP Williamsburg Tax-Aide

Williamsburg Library 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg

AARP Williamsburg is providing FREE in-person tax counseling, preparation, and filing service to taxpayers with low to moderate income, with special attention to those aged 60 and older. Make appointment online...

Event Series Museum Highlights

Museum Highlights

Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg 301 S Nassau Street, Williamsburg

Explore key treasures from Colonial Williamsburg’s diverse collections on a guided tour. This event is open to the public.

Event Series Roaming Ranger

Roaming Ranger

York River State Park 9801 York River Park Road, Williamsburg

With over two thousand acres, the park has a wide variety of life in the wetlands and woods.  Meet with our naturalist/ranger who will help you discover the aquatic, insect,...

Governor’s Musick at the Art Museums

Hennage Auditorium in the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg 301 S Nassau Street, Williamsburg

The Revolutionary War disrupted America’s musical ties to Britain, inspiring composers like James Hewitt to create a unique American sound. Join us as we explore the battle sonata—a forgotten Classical-era genre—and Hewitt’s tribute to the Battle of Trenton.

Event Series God is My Rock

God is My Rock

Hennage Auditorium in the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg 301 S Nassau Street, Williamsburg

Enslaved preacher Gowan Pamphlet reflects on slavery, faith, and freedom during the Great Awakening, alongside Old Paris, a first-generation Ibo African.

Event Series Teens Night Out

Teens Night Out

James City County Library 7770 Croaker Road, Williamsburg

Celebrate the end of the week with friends, games, snacks, music and more! Enjoy all the Teen Room has to offer! For ages 13-18, no registration required. More info


Haunted Williamsburg

Market House in Colonial Williamsburg 102 W Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg

Want a different evening out? How about an eerie evening with the official ghost tour of Colonial Williamsburg: Haunted Williamsburg Thurs, Fri & Sat Nights at 7:00 pm Haunted Williamsburg ...

The Burg Weekender

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