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Event Series Jamestown Settlement

Jamestown Settlement

Jamestown Settlement 2110 Jamestown Road, Route 31, Williamsburg

The Jamestown Settlement has an amazing and huge outdoor living museum space complete with life-size re-creations of a 1610-14 fort and Paspahegh Town, and you can climb aboard a re-creation of one of the three...

Event Series Baby Lapsit Storytime

Baby Lapsit Storytime

Williamsburg Library 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg

Baby Lapsit Storytime is a storytime program especially for babies from birth to 18 months and their caregivers. This storytime includes 15 minutes of songs, fingerplays, and lap games. This storytime...

Event Series Baby Lapsit Storytime

Baby Lapsit Storytime

Williamsburg Library 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg

Baby Lapsit Storytime is a storytime program especially for babies from birth to 18 months and their caregivers. This storytime includes 15 minutes of songs, fingerplays, and lap games. This storytime...

Event Series Baby Stay and Play

Baby Stay and Play

Williamsburg Library 515 Scotland Street, Williamsburg

Stay after storytime or just come in for the playdate to chat with other caregivers while your baby has fun with our toy collection. On the first Monday and Tuesday...

Event Series Preschool Storytime

Preschool Storytime

James City County Library 7770 Croaker Road, Williamsburg

Preschool Storytime is a program designed for preschoolers from 3 to 5 years old and their caregivers featuring stories, rhymes, songs, fingerplays, and other activities. More Information.

Event Series Haunted Williamsburg

Haunted Williamsburg

Market House in Colonial Williamsburg 102 W Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg

Want a different evening out? How about an eerie evening with the official ghost tour of Colonial Williamsburg: Haunted Williamsburg Nightly at 7:00 pm and again at 8:30 pmHaunted Williamsburg ...

Event Series Cry Witch! Is Back!

Cry Witch!

Capitol Building Colonial Williamsburg E Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg

Cry Witch! You decide! Is Grace Sherwood a witch? Question witnesses. Weigh evidence. Finally, cast your vote for the guilt or innocence of “the Virginia Witch.” Not appropriate for young...

The Burg Weekender

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