Enter to win a stay in a REAL Haunted House in Colonnial Wiliamsburg!

haunted house colonial williamsburg

Colonial Williamsburg Haunted House Contest!


What do you think? Does your family have what it takes to spend all of Halloween night in this haunted house? What about your friends? To enter, just click on our Facebook post and upload a picture of your favorite Halloween costume into the comments. Keep it fun. Keep it clean. Keep it to one entry.

Make sure you share your image by October 9. That’s when we’ll select the top five costumes based on originality, creativity, inspiration, and quality. And just in case you need a little inspiration, we dug deep into our family archives (like all the way back to the 80s) just for you to show you our favorite costumes!

MHcostumesOn October 15, we’ll post an album to Facebook of our top five costumes. From there, the picture with the most “likes” will win and we’ll make the big announcement on Oct. 23. Here is a link to our official contest rules!

In addition to lodging accommodations for a party of four, each guest will receive an all-access pass to our Haunting on DoG Street fun (good for both the earlier and later programming) as well as a $75 gift card to use toward dinner, souvenirs, and haunted carriage rides. You’ll also have the option to get professional zombie make-up done for the night! Oh, and not to mention our super cool skeleton mugs that you can fill with cider, soda, and water.

Remember – in order to claim your prize, you must be able to stay here in Williamsburg Halloween night, Saturday, Oct. 31. 

Visit Official Website for this contest HERE

Now, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and enter… we dare you!  


  • bada

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