The Drum Circle – First Tuesday of the Month at Studio South


This community drumming circle is open to everyone, all ages for FREE!   The Circle will be held the first Tuesday of each month at Studio South.  Each month we will support a local charity or non-profit organization and ask for donations to fill our “Love Tub”.  Please bring your own drum if you have one.  Our first Circle was so popular, we ran out of drums to borrow!  If you have never been to a drum circle, give it a try!  The energy of community is incredible.

“At the heart of using drum circles in a conscious way is the idea that through group music making, we can rediscover the truth our ancestors knew so well, the transformation power of group support, engagement and connection”. – Jim Donovan

studio south

410-E Lightfoot Road 

Williamsburg, VA 23188

(757) 585-7640



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