Crystal Cosmopolitan’s Workshop: Your Inner Sacred Space: Crystals and Intuitive Guidance, June 11, 2016

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Your Inner Sacred Space: Crystals and Intuitive Guidance 

Working with crystals is a great way to tune-in to personal guidance as well as to create a sacred space where your desires, wishes, and intentions first come into being and from where they manifest into the outer world.

If you are one of those people who find meditation hard to do, meditation with crystals is for you! It offers a great way to connect with your Higher Guidance and your Inner Sacred Space.

Through a specific set of exercises you will uncover your strongest channel of receiving messages for your life (visual, auditory, kinesthetic – clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient/claircognizant) and connect with your “messengers” (your Higher Self, ancestral guides, spirit animals, Angels and Archangels .  . . ).

Working with specific crystals on a regular basis will dramatically increase your perception and open up & strengthen your intuitive abilities.

Time for reflection and connection with our inner (higher) guidance is necessary for healthy living and yet so we so often let it slide amidst our daily obligations. If we would *first* connect with our inner guidance and then go out in the world of our work, our family, and our friends, we would be able to achieve more, with grace and ease. Many find that they don’t do that because they don’t know how to meditate or find meditation hard to do.This workshop is designed to make it easy for you!

You will:

  • LEARN, the importance of daily visits to your Inner Sacred Space, how to create time and space when you are busy, how to pay attention to your predominant receiving channel
  • EXPERIENCE, a process that will uncover what your unique way of receiving messages is, a set of exercises that connect you with your Higher Guidance
  • RECEIVE asmall high-vibrational Himalayan Clear Quartz crystal, a personal workbook

Cost: $90

June 11, 2016, 9AM – 1PM

REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY and closes two days before the start of the workshop. This is so I can prepare all the materials for you. In the registration form message space please WRITE THE NAME OF THE WORKSHOP for which you are registering.

 **All workshops are held in Williamsburg, near the John Tyler and Ironbound intersection — will receive address upon registration.
For more information or to register, visit the website.


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