Conscious Discipline — Parent Workshop – October 10, 2014



Conscious Discipline: PARENT WORKSHOP

Friday, October 10, 2014

6:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m.

Presented by Kim Hughes – a certified Conscious Discipline® trainer is a comprehensive self-regulation program that integrates social-emotional learning and discipline. It empowers adults to consciously respond to daily conflict, Conscious Discipline® transforming it into an opportunity to teach critical life skills to children.

In a sea of self-help and parenting books, Conscious Discipline provides a proven and comprehensive approach that will improve both your life and the lives of your children. It empowers you with the self-awareness, brain information, developmental knowledge and useable skills necessary to create safe, connected, problem-solving homes.

Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline is the core Conscious Discipline publication for parents. It is unique from other forms of guidance because it:

  • Defines discipline not as something you do to children, but something you develop within them.
  • Teaches new skills to the adult first and the children second, empowering you to become the mindful parent you want to be.

With Conscious Discipline, we can learn to discipline differently than we were disciplined, break the cycle of “do as I say, not as I do,” and discipline our children without permissiveness, aggression or guilt.

Location: King of Glory Lutheran Church and School

Address: 4897 Longhill Road, Williamsburg, Virginia

Phone: 757-258-1070, Email:

Click Here to go to Registration form for Parent Workshop



conscious disipline

Conscious Discipline — Parent Workshop – October 10, 2014


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