Colonial Williamsburg for Locals – a new page on its website just for area residents!

Colonial Williamsburg for Locals a new page just for us!

“I haven’t been to CW in years”….wait, what? Let’s change that! If you are a local resident there are so many reasons to come to Colonial Williamsburg. Now, we here at seem to find ourselves there a lot. Sometimes just to walk DoG St (Duke of Gloucester Street) or maybe shopping, grabbing lunch, visiting the animals, heading to the pubs, catching a live theater performance outside or inside at the Museums of Colonial Williamsburg, bringing visiting friends and family to the historic area and revisiting the trades houses and definitely popping into the gift shops. It is a great museum but it also has a whole lot of other things to offer.

To make visiting easy and less expensive, Colonial Williamsburg has set up a page on their site with info on their locals discounted tickets: the Good Neighbor Pass, info on their Rare Breeds Program (including a map of the pastures- which is very helpful to find the lambs and ponies), weekly tour ideas for families so the work is done for you, details on museum programs and so much more.

Did you know their site has a daily calendar that tells you every event that is going on that day and you can go to them with your GNP (Good Neighbor Pass). Sometimes the event requires an additional ticket but those are usually evening programs like Haunted Williamsburg, or meal events. And your GNP often gives you discounts on these programs. Either way the calendar will let you know before you go.

Colonial Williamsburg values locals because they know that we visit their restaurants, bring our family and friends to the Historic Area and are huge supporters of this community having such wonderful historic tourist attractions like Colonial Williamsburg.

If you haven’t visited the actual Colonial Williamsburg Historic area and its museums lately take a peek at the content for LOCALS on Colonial Williamsburg first…then head over. You won’t be disappointed.

For more info on Colonial Williamsburg events on our website we have a whole page of content on them here.


  • bada

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