Colonial Moms

Started on September 15, 2010, this group is designed for active mommies looking for playdates and activities for their little ones (ages 0-5) around Williamsburg and the surrounding areas. Just as importantly, it is intended to give us adults opportunities to meet and socialize with other moms.

Daily events are posted on the calendar, but every member is encouraged to schedule and host their own event(s). Activities include home and park playdates; picnics; walks; storytimes; visits to fire houses, farms, theme parks, zoos, gardens, museums, etc.

This group is geared towards moms who are active and want to participate on a weekly or monthly basis. Each mom must attend at least one event each month or, if not available, post a status update to let us know how things are going. SAHM, part-time, and full-time moms are encouraged to join if they have the time and spunk to participate!

Membership fee is $5/year. You can pay online as soon as your membership is approved.

For security purposes, you are asked to submit:
1. Your full name.
2. A photo of yourself and your children.
3. Your phone number.
4. Address (city is acceptable)

Founder and Organizer, Kathy Atanasov, will call you within a few days after your request for membership is received.
*Top 10 reasons NOT to join this group*
1. Your kids are too cute to share with others.
2. You have too many people in your life and you like them all.
3. You have everything under control and the social aspect of talking to other moms would ruin your karma.
4. You fear meeting other moms who might find your weak spot and help you.
5. You don’t like other people in Williamsburg, especially those who are moms and organize events based on interest.
6. The wallpaper in your kid’s room is so stimulating that you don’t need to leave the house.
7. Your kids already know how to share their legos and think playing with other kids their age isn’t socially worthwhile.
8. Your baby thinks that walks are for babies.
9. Going to one event a month is just too hard to coordinate with your self-help seminars and online gaming habit.
10. Being able to schedule and host your own events whenever you want is too blue-collar and inflexible for you.



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