College Admission Coaching, Workbook and Workshop Series from T3Concepts

College Admission Coaching, Workbook and Workshop Series from T3Concepts

Does your family have a rising Senior? Congratulations! This last summer and year of school will be an exciting one full of trying navigate the end of high school and getting ready to look forward to college.

It is a huge year and helping your teen can become overwhelming. These are big life choices expected of a 17 year old and parents who may not have gone through the college application process for 20 some years.

Every year things change in terms of what colleges need and want. Jobs that your children may be interested in may not have existed when you were going to school.

If you are looking for experts who stay on top of and help students with the application process year after year, then we have found the experts for you! Best part, this is a locally run business with actual teachers and counselors running the program and working with you and your teens.

Introducing locally owned T3Concepts

They have several ways to help parents and teen. For those who think they may just need a workbook to help them or want to start the process mainly on their own, T3C offers a very detailed, step by step Interactive College Admissions eBook workbook on their site. It can help your teen and you stay on top of upcoming deadlines, ways to streamline the process and make sure you don’t miss opportunities via links, videos, worksheet pages, and helpful information kept all in one place.

For more one on one help they have Coaching Sessions that can help you and your teen figure out a plan, a path and the “right-fit” schools consider. To get started they will provide you with a FREE 15-20 minute consultation to find out what kind of session you would benefit from. All you have to do is Email them to set up this consultation. After your consultation they can set you up with one of many coaching sessions including:

  • Real Talk Session: Helping you narrow your list, evaluate your transcript, and make a plan.
  • ​​​Getting Started Session: Helping you set goals to get started or a more specific focus helping you brainstorm your essay topics.
  • ​​​​Essay Reading Session: We can help you focus your ideas, organize, and proofread.
  • Speciality Sessions: NCAA, Performing Arts, Portfolio, Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Interview preparation.

They also have a great Workshop Series where small groups meet and work on getting the path to college set and working towards each teen’s individual goals. They just put up their August 2020 Online Workshop. The workshop series includes group sessions, individual sessions, and our workbook!

  •  Group Workshop Sessions in August
    • August 1-3 Kick off session for parent(s)/guardian(s)
      • ​Group Webinar with expert advice
      • Opportunity for Q & A
    • August 3-9 Student Session #1 & #2
      • ​Group Webinar: Focusing On Your College Search
      • Group Webinar: Application Ins and Outs
      • Opportunity for Q & A
    • August 10-16 Student Session #3
      • Group Webinar: Essay Specifics

​                      **Sessions will be recorded and available to view                                once published

  • ​Individual Workshop Sessions August-October
    • One ​1:1 “Real Talk” Session: Let’s talk about your specific wants and needs related to the college search
    • Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions: We can use these to brainstorm essay topics, proofread, focus, set goals, etc. We can use this however you like!! Most students will use this time for essay development and feedback.

​            **Sessions will be booked by students to meet their                             scheduling needs

So to wrap it all up, let’s just say that now you don’t have to do this alone (…with your teen). You can get help and answers to all those tricky questions. Here is a nice list of all the the things T3C offers:

  • Workshops on a variety of topics
  • Small Group Facilitation
  • Leadership Training
  • Educational Consulting
  • Coaching.
  • Curriculum Writing and Editing
  • Grant Writing and Implementation
  • Project Management

Who are the experts behind T3C and what does that name mean?

T3Concepts: the name “t3 concepts” comes from a simple idea they had at lunch one day. They simply thought “Just about anything can be solved by two teachers talking.” So the three “t”s are: two teachers talking.

Here is their Leadership Team

Harvey Stone

Harvey Stone is a National Board Certified Teacher, currently teaching at Jamestown High School in Williamsburg, VA. In addition to his responsibilities as a high school theatre teacher and director, Harvey enjoys writing. Harvey has a wide range of teaching experience with students of all ages including work with students at Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Richmond, Christopher Newport University, and Meredith College.

Theresa Steele

Theresa is an adjunct English professor at Reynolds Community College in Richmond, VA where she teaches freshman composition classes.   She retired from Henrico Public Schools after teaching English and theatre for over 30 years. In 2015 Theresa became a certified teacher, trainer, coach and speaker for The John Maxwell Team.

Kevin Steele

Kevin recently retired after 30 years of service in public education.  Of those 30 years, 10 were spent in the classroom and the last 20 were spent as a high school counselor.  During his time as a counselor, he worked with thousands of students assisting them with the college application process.  Additionally, Kevin has been a baseball coach for over 25 years and brings significant knowledge of the NCAA eligibility process to our program.

Visit T3Concepts and learn more, download the ebook workbook and get this process started. It isn’t going away and the longer you wait the more stressful it can be. Let this team help you and your teen navigate this part of their Senior Year so your family can enjoy their last year before they are off to college!


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