“By Faith Abraham Obeyed”

“By Faith Abraham Obeyed”
By Deacon Nicholas J. Sotack
Ascension of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church
114 Palace Lane
Williamsburg, VA  23185
The Christmas season fast approaches.  It loses its name by an all-inclusive term “The Holidays”.  Holidays are festive and full of celebration.  But we must not lose the meaning of Christmas by eliminating it from our celebration.  We respect other faiths but celebrate the nativity of Jesus Christ.   So let me begin by saying Merry Christmas! 
Faith is real but is non-rational.  It cannot be placed in a bottle and stored.  It exists in the hearts of believers and cannot be taken away, although it can be given away.  How sad it is to hear a person say, “I have given up on my faith.”  Stress and disappointment in life is commonly blamed but is not the culprit.  Those who have strength through faith need to share it with those who need uplifting.  This goes beyond going to one’s church and buying gifts as signs of love and sharing.  Sharing faith in the blessed event of Christmas means so much more in the long run.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims revere Abraham as a spiritual father.  He is identified as the epitome of faith in all three monotheistic religions.  This is very confusing for many.  Yet it can be a starting point for unity.  Let us agree that Abraham’s faith goes beyond human reasoning.  I must use the words of an early father of the Church, St. John Chrysostom to help me.  He explains how God uses the faith of an individual to show His divine work through men.  At one point God directs Abraham away from his kinsfolk and homeland to a new land.  “I will make you a great nation and bless you” (Gen 12:2).  Rational persons wonder why he needs to leave his home and kinsfolk if he is to be blessed as a great nation.  It appears as though God asks what goes against the promise.  Again God says to Abraham, “In Isaac shall your seed be called” (Gen 21:12), and Abraham believed.  Then God tells Abraham to offer Isaac as a holocaust. 
We know that God placed Abraham to the test.  But as God would He not already know what was in Abraham’s heart?  Of course He did. Why did God tempt him?  Abraham obeyed the command and showed the world that faith goes beyond our understanding.  It involves trust.  Isaac was spared and Abraham is commonly referred to this very day as “Father Abraham”.  The Gospel of Matthew begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ “the Son of David, the Son of Abraham”. (Mt 1:1) 
Each of us needs to reflect on the enormous gift the world received upon the Nativity of Jesus Christ.  Look to Father Abraham and thank him for showing the world what can happen when one man has such faith and places his faith in his Creator, when we begin to feel lonely, doubtful, or dejected.  Those who are strong in faith need to share this Christmas gift with those who suffer from lonesome doubt.  Christ is born!  Glorify Him!

Ascension of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church is located on 114 Palace Lane, Williamsburg, VA  23185
Website: ascensionva.org

 Liturgy Schedule

Sundays 11 a.m.
* Sunday Divine Liturgy is followed by coffee and refreshments

Christmas Eve 2010
11:00 PM  Christmas Carols
11:30 PM  Great Compline
12:00 Am Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of our Lord
Christmas Day 2010

11:00 AM Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of our Lord

7 p.m.


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