Autism Society Tidewater Virginia Peninsula Group

autism hands

Autism Society Tidewater Virginia has established a partnership with a group of dedicated parent advocates on the Peninsula to expand services to that area and will continue to provide support, education and resources to families and individuals
on the autism spectrum.

We are happy to announce that the autism support meetings in Newport News will continue this school year. Our first meeting will be on Thursday October, 29 at 6:30pm at the Peninsula School for Autism on Nettles Drive. For more information on our meetings and to rsvp please go to We have now moved our meeting announcement system to There is a change in meeting location where we are now meeting at the old Peninsula School for Autism location on Nettles Drive. Also childcare is not offered anymore.
Please note that as the Autism Society offers programs and services that have low attendance they may be discontinued. For any questions or feedback please email

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