Archaearium Artifact Adventures at Historic Jamestown – Feb. 3 & 17
Historic Jamestown “Archaearium Artifact Adventures”
February 3rd & 17th, 2018
10:00am – 4:00pm
Take a break from the cold and spend your day at the Jamestown Rediscovery artifact museum! Meet colonists and real archaeologists, participate in hands-on activities, and explore the world of the first permanent colony in the New World.
Featured activities: artifact sorting & picking with a Jamestown Rediscovery conservator, behind the scenes with an archaeologist: washing & processing a collection.
Other activities: pottery mending, ceramic coloring station, artifact touch & feel station, ecology: the environment at Jamestown, and conversation with a colonist: meet Anas Todkill.
Free with paid admission to Historic Jamestowne.