A Whole Lotta Harmony

Hamtown Harmony in partnership with Smithfield Little Theatre presents 

A Whole Lotta Harmony!

Saturday, August 10, 2013 – Showtimes 3 & 7 PM

Smithfield Little Theatre 210 N. Church Street, Smithfield, VA

Hamtown Harmony, a prospective chorus with Sweet Adelines International, is joining forces with The Virginia Coast Chorus from Virginia Beach to put on a show – 2 shows actually.  Saturday, August 10, 2013 there will be 2 performances (3 & 7PM) at the Smithfield Little Theater in Smithfield, VA. This is your chance to see not one, but 2 choruses on 1 stage.  More than 60 voices will blend together in beautiful harmony as both Hamtown Harmony and VCC perform for you.  In addition to each choruses performance as well as joint performance, VCC will be debuting their performance for Harmony Classic Competition as well…..Proceeds from this day will be used to benefit VCC has they head off to Hawaii to compete.

Tickets are just $15 – on sale now and available at any of the following locations:

  The IOW Visitor Center
at 319 Main St.
Smithfield, VA

The Christmas Store
108 Main St.
Smithfield, VA

The Smithfield Little Theatre Box Office
At the door before each performance.
(if available)


Each year, the 20+ choruses in Region 14’s multi-state area gather for evaluation and placement.  The official judging session requires the chorus to perform two songs with choreography, on stage, dressed in stage costume and make-up however, it’s not unusual to hear an impromptu group singing in the hotel lobby late into the night. VCC’s 1st place Division ‘A’ placement at Regional competition in 2012 has qualified them for an invitation to Sweet Adelines, International’s Harmony Classic competition to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii in November of this year.  This competition is by invitation only to the 5 top-scoring Division ‘A’ choruses in the world.  


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