4th Annual Dinghy Poker Run Dare Marina, Yorktown

4th Annual Dinghy Poker Run

Saturday, June 15th 2013
9am – 3pm
Dare Marina, Yorktown
Kevin Spanik of VIMS takes part in the 2010 Poker Dinghy Run.Kevin Spanik of VIMS takes part in the 2010 Poker Dinghy Run.
The Colonial Sail & Power Squadron hosts Hampton Roads’ largest dinghy and kayak event. All proceeds will benefit VIMS.
Full Description
The Colonial Sail and Power Squadron will host Hampton Roads’ largest dinghy and kayak event on Saturday June 15, 2013 at Dare Marina in Yorktown, Virginia. All proceeds of “The Poker Run” will benefit the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in Gloucester Point, Virginia.Paddle craft will leave Dare Marina at 9am, dinghies and jet skis at 10 a.m., and all motor craft at 11 a.m. Participating entries will visit designated locations around Chisman Creek and pick a playing card. Upon returning to Dare Marina, winners will be announced and prizes will be given out.

Participants can take part either by racing a dinghy or by setting up a table to sell items. All entries pay a $20.00 registration fee, which enters one boat or rents one table. Student registration is $10.

Participants raise money for their dinghy by collecting sponsorship donations from friends, neighbors, and coworkers at their local dock, marina, boating club or squadron, or elsewhere. All funds collected are donated to VIMS. Dock members without a dinghy or kayak can still provide support by helping their team.

During the event, dinghy crews will visit marinas and designated locations along the Bay waterfront, receiving a playing card at each stop. On return to the launch point, the best hand will be decided. Winners will be announced and prizes will be given in many categories. There will also be food, beverages, and all things marine and nautical for sale the day of the event.

Colonial Sail and Power Squadron (CSPS) is a non-profit organization of sail and power boaters that is dedicated to promoting safe boating through education. Headquartered in Williamsburg, Virginia, CSPS is one of more than 450 squadrons that comprise the United States Power Squadrons, an organization of approximately 55,000 members dedicated to the sport of recreational boating. Power squadrons provide support through organized events such as rendezvous and cruises, classes, and civic-service projects.

VIMS, one of the leading marine research and education centers in the U.S., pursues a three-part mission of research, education, and advisory service to the community. Master’s and Ph.D. degrees are offered through the Institute’s School of Marine Science, part of the College of William and Mary.

Colonial Sail and Power
West Marine
West Marine Express
Joe and Mimmas
IHOP in Yorktown
Ken Matthews Garden Center
Appomattox River Company

Have your club, organization, company, or group become a co-sponsor of this major event. Contact Bill Walsh for details at 800-554-4581, 757-880-8820, or via email at bwalsh@walshelec.com


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