Angel Washington, 4th Grade Teacher at D.J. Montague ES is Teacher of the Month – February 2013

Mrs. Angel Washington (left), 4th Grade teacher at D.J. Montague was voted Williamsburg’s Choice ~ Teacher of the Month for February 2013 and is pictured accepting her gift card and certificate with Sherry Phipps (right), owner at School Crossing.
How long have you been teaching and teaching at DJ Montague?
I have been a part of the DJ Montague family since 2007 when I began my student teaching in a 4th grade classroom. I was hired the following year as a 4th grade teacher.
What do you gain from being a teacher?
As a teacher, I am able to encourage students and I am granted the daily satisfaction of pulling greatness out of each student and helping them to believe in themselves as much as I believe in them. They also challenge me daily and inspire me to become a better teacher and overall a better person.
What do you want your children to be able to do when they leave your classroom – that you know will prepare them for further education and life in general?
I want my students to believe in themselves and to believe that they each have a special gift inside of them and they can do ANYTHING. I want them to value their education and to not be afraid to try new things. I have extremely high expectations for ALL of them and it is my hope that this pushes them to achieve greatness in all areas of their life.
If you could ask parents to do one thing to help their children’s academic success what would it be?
I would ask parents to be invested in their child’s education. Parents should be their child’s biggest advocate. If children see that their parents value and believe in education, they will believe in it as well.
Are you from Williamsburg? 
Yes, I was raised in Williamsburg, VA by my great-grandparents. I attended Walsingham Academy and the College of William & Mary.

To Vote for this month’s Teacher of the Month – Click HERE


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