Q & A with Aga at the Williamsburg Salt Spa

What is a Salt Spa and where did you get the idea to open one in Williamsburg?

The Salt Spa is an inhalation room perfect for people with all kinds of respiratory problems. The salt rocks, combined with the perfect climate of less than 50% humidity and 75 degree temperature creates an environment that is rich in ions and minerals. As you relax in the spa these ions and minerals are absorbed into the human body by breathing the air. These elements are essential for health.

I am originally from Poland and have firsthand experience with Salt Spas growing up. Many small towns throughout Europe have Salt Spas. Their therapeutic benefits have been well documented and are incorporated in general health and lifestyle. In the Polish Salt Mine “Wieliczka”, we have the world’s largest Underground Rehabilitation Center for people with pulmonary conditions and this is the place where the idea was born. Now we have salt spas all over the Europe. When I came to Williamsburg I realized this therapy was not available in US, also my husband has some respiratory problems, so I just wanted to bring this small part of my country to this area.

How much Salt is in there and where did you get it from?

We have imported over 15 tons of salt from Poland and Pakistan. Yes, we had it all shipped to Williamsburg ourselves! Also the spa itself has been built with wood, natural resin, and organic glues to prevent any allergies. It is a beautiful salt rock cave, with a waterfall, Polish birch branches crusted with salt crystals completed with a heated salt floor.

What ages benefit?

All ages benefit– the youngest baby was 21 days old! Children are welcome to come with an adult. Asthma, sinus/ear infections and allergies are often the reasons parents bring in their children.

What kind of aliments do people come to a Salt Spa for and does it help?

Our clients come to us for a wide array of reasons and some for just general health or relaxation. Salt Spas help greatly with reducing the effects of seasonal allergies, they help you get over sinus infections, alleviate the symptoms of asthma, and improves thyroid conditions, high blood pressure and many other ailments. Our website has an extensive list of diseases that research has proven Salt Spas can help. *This list is included at the end of this article

What do I wear and how long is a session?

Just your normal comfortable clothes and our sterile booties. Our session lasts 45 minutes and it is the best nap time for everybody!

Do you have to come regularly for a while to see benefits?

You can feel the benefits in one visit but for chronic conditions people come more regularly. Many people come again and again just to maintain health as you would with any spa treatment. It is truly relaxing. The Williamsburg Salt Spa welcomes the individual to set the schedule that works for them. Also starting in November we will offer memberships.

What is the positive/negative ion connection I read about on your site?

Our world right now is full of environmental pollution, electronics, microwaves and high voltage networks which produce a lot of positive ions – which is not “positive” for us because it throws off the natural balance of positive/negative ions in our air. This imbalance can manifest itself in people in the form of headaches, lethargy, nausea, depression, indigestion, and irritability. Our Salt Spa adds negative ions back into the air which creates an environment for optimal health. Research shows the antibacterial influence of negative ions actually lowers the percentage of harmful bacteria in the air.

How can we increase negative ions at home?

We have salt rock lamps that you can put in rooms that have a microwave, TV and or computer. It is also nice in a bedroom – the rocks are beautiful when lit and have a dimmer in them to give them a nice glow. They produce those essential negative ions.

So you can create a little Salt Spa at home?

A little one! Please remember that inside the salt room we have 15 tons of salt, more than 30 salt lamps and entire floor is heated so this can be a little difficult to duplicate it in your home. The main concept of the Salt Spa is breathing the salt air. We sell salt air inhalers which are small substitutes for the salt spa so you can breathe salt air at home anytime. A salt lamp emits an electrical charge. Negative ions help purify the air of allergens, dust, bacteria and more. These natural qualities make them an excellent beautiful light source, natural air purifier and can help people with various health conditions. If you have both: salt air inhaler and a salt lamp you can try to create a little salt spa at home!

For more information on the Williamsburg Salt Spa, visit http://www.williamsburgsaltspa.com/


Agnieszka Adamska –owner of Williamsburg Salt Spa. She moved to Williamsburg from Poland in 2004 with her husband Marcin. She has been running Salt Spa since 2008 trying to spend every free minute with her 2 years old son Christopher.


*Research has proven the therapeutic values of salt caves and their positive influence in the treatment of such diseases as

1. Respiratory illnesses

  •  affecting: nose, ear, throat, esophagus and sinuses
  •  asthma, bronchial tubes inflammation
  •  chronic obstructive bronchitis
  •  bronchiectasis
  •  chronic inflammation of lungs
  •  chronic inflammation of sinuses
  •  dust disease (pneumoconiosis)
  •  under-active cutwater gland
  •  emphysema

2. Heart and cardio-vascular diseases

  • inadequate blood pressure
  • insufficient circulation of blood
  • post heart attack conditions
  • Illnesses of digestive system
  • duodenal and gastric ulcer
  • gastritis
  • inflammation of large intestine

3. Vegetative nervous system malfunction

  • general nervousness and exhaustion
  • reduces stress
  • deepens and slows down breathing
  • improves the ability to concentrate
  • brings the feeling of freshness and satisfaction

*Information taken from http://www.williamsburgsaltspa.com/


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